Guto Nóbrega
UFRJ (Brasil)
Guto Nobrega é Doutor (2009) em Interactive Arts pelo programa de pós graduação Planetary Collegium (antigo CAiiA-STAR), University of Plymouth UK, onde desenvolveu pesquisa sob orientação do Prof. Roy Ascott durante 4 anos com bolsa de doutorado pleno pela CAPES. Sua pesquisa de caráter transdisciplinar nos domínios da arte, ciência, tecnologia e natureza investiga como a confluência desses campos (em especial nas últimas décadas) tem informado a criação de novas experiências estéticas. Este estudo traz como resultado um intervenção prático-teórica no campo da arte com foco nas idéias de interatividade, telemática, teorias de campo e hiperorganimos. Guto Nóbrega é artista, pesquisador, Mestre em Comunicação, Tecnologia e Estética pela ECO-UFRJ (2003) e Bacharel em gravura pela EBA-UFRJ (1998) onde leciona desde 1995 e atualmente fundou e coordena o NANO – Núcleo de Arte e Novos Organismos, espaço de pesquisa para investigação na intersecção entre arte, ciência e tecnologia.
Guto Nóbrega is Doctor of Philosophy by The Planetary Collegium programme (former CAiiA-STAR) based on the School of Art and Media, University of Plymouth – UK (2009), where he developed 4 years of research under supervision of Prof. Roy Ascott. His doctoral thesis, funded by CAPES – BRAZIL, is a transdisciplinary research in the fields of art, science, technology and nature in which he investigates how the confluence of these domains (specially in the last decades) has informed the creation of new aesthetics experiences. As a result of this study it was developed a theoretical-practical intervention in the field of arts with focus on the ideas of interactivity, telematics, field theories, and hyperorganisms. He has been developing series of artworks which encompasses drawings, photos, videos and robotics systems. He is artist and researcher with MA in Communication, Technology and Aesthetics by ECO-UFRJ – Brazil (2003) and is Bachelor in Engraving by the Escola de Belas Artes – UFRJ – Brazil (1998). Since 1995 he lectures at the UFRJ-Brazil where currently he holds a position as Adjunct Professor and coordinates the space NANO – Nucleous of Art and New Organisms, a research lab for exploring the intersection of art science and technology.